Pro Gratia Recepta, 2024
Generative Adversarial Network; oil on oak wood.
Pro Gratia Recepta, 2024
Generative Adversarial Network; oil on oak wood.
Pro Gratia Recepta explores the nature of miracles and the complex interplay between faith and rationality, highlighting the human hope for extraordinary events that can dramatically alter life’s trajectory. The term ex-voto refers to small devotional artworks created as an offering of gratitude for a miracle or divine intervention. Often depicting the miraculous event or its aftermath, these votive artworks are placed in places of worship as expressions of faith.
This painting portrays the alleged miracles attributed to Saint Elisabeth of Hungary, both during her life and after her death, which served as the basis for her canonization. The work emphasizes the paradox of the canonization process, where (posthumous) miracles are subjected to bureaucratic and pseudo-scientific examination. Each miracle must meet strict criteria to be recognized by the church, highlighting the contrast between the irrationality of miraculous events and the rational methods used to validate them.
The artwork's inherent duality allows for interpretation either as a testament to the power of faith or as a subtle undermining of it. This nuanced portrayal aims to invite viewers to reflect on the contradiction between the desire to explain strange, irrational events and the comfort found in accepting them as miracles, thereby avoiding the need for rational scrutiny.
For inquiries: thomas@plus-one.be.
With many thanks to Lieneke Hulshof, Sandra van den Beuken, Stefan Cools and Mondriaan Fund.
30 x 20 cm.