Beautiful Impact, 2019

Dynamic CGI animation, rendered in 3D software.

Beautiful Impact
illustrates a melancholic state of being – an identity that has become addictive. The work examines a longing for a metaphorical crash that would mean the end of that identity.

The video was part of the 2019 Sandberg Institute graduation exhibition show at Looiersgracht 60 in Amsterdam and the group exhibition Endless Life at Buitenplaats Doornburgh in Maarssen. Other participants of the groupshow Endless Life at Buitenplaats Doornburgh were Isabelle Andriessen, Sander Breure & Witte Van Hulzen, Robert Glas, Nathaniel Mellors, Katja Novitskova, Temra Pavlovic, Rustan Söderling, JCJ Vanderheyden en Hannes Wiedemann.

Curated by Lukas Feireiss (Looiersgracht 60) and Zippora Elders (Buitenplaats Doornburgh).

For inquiries: thomas@plus-one.be.

Duration: 4 min. (loop)

Beautiful Impact by Daan Couzijn Beautiful Impact at Looiersgracht 60. Photo by Tom Janssen.